Thursday 26 January 2012

Movie Time: Underworld Awakening

I go to the movies very often. It's become sort of a weekly ritual with my dad, every Sunday, we go to the movie theater and watch a movie. I know we're thursday, but we were both free today and we saw this film:

Vampires vs Werewolves: Rise of the humans
I found it to be fairly entertaining if a bit silly and a bit short. i must admit that I didn't see any of the other films in the series, so I came in knowing only that it's about a crazy vampire chick who kills vampires and werewolves. The following entry will contain spoilers for the movie. So, y'know, if you want to be surprised by the scenes in which Kate Beckinsale in a black leather suit kills a bunch of people, don't read this.

In a Nutshell
Vampires and Werewolves are a thing. Humans finally wake up and discover them in the 2000s and kill them. Some vampire lady that's good at killing people is captured. She escapes and kills people and werewolves.
The Rant
Of course, i can't help but rant about this movie! After all, this is the point of this post!
firstly, maybe it's explained at theend of the previous film, but... Why didn't humans know about vampires and werewolves? They've been active for centuries and suddenly humans realize that werewolves and vampires are "A Thing" and successfully purge most of them? i don't know, it's kind of weirdly convenient. As soon as people learn of vampires BAM, no secret shit, no team of elite vampire hunter, just full-on purge.

Secondly, I found it really funny how the vampires have a culture that apparently revolves around dressing in black leather and moping around in castle replicas. I found it kind of hilarious. The vampires are just so stereotypical in that and apparently it's their culture. i mean, come on, they build their hideout in caves and it just looks like the inside of an old Gothic castle, with chandeliers and candlesticks everywhere even though their hideout is in a hydroelectric dam. And they're proud of their Gothic cultures, of course.

Moving on, I liked how this movie had a mix of practical effects and CGI, but at the same time, i couldn't decide which looked fakest, the weird werewolf costumes or the obviously CGI werewolves. The metamorphosis effects were pretty neat, though, but I feel movies ought to stick to practical effects OR CGI, not, like, use both because then you get scenes where the werewolves look completely different from those in a previous scene. 

I didn't like how the Vampires were all so easily killed by the werewolves. it's like Selene is a super special vampire that's nigh invincible and can heal from a bullet to the head with a gulp of blood, but every other vampire is just a regular dude in goth clothes. I don't think just getting their throats nibbled on should've killed all the vampires in the lair fight scenes. Then again, maybe werewolves are vampire kryptonite in the Underworld movies? I liked the lair fight scenes, especially against the giant werewolf, that had a real Castlevania feel to it, I found. 

My Score

It was entertaining, I must've burst out laughing at least three times at the sheer ridiculousness. There was lots of action, lots of violence, and there is characters that are not completely one dimensional!
I give it a "Fun" out of 5.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

in an awful mood

God tonight everything irks me. everything makes me angry, at myself, at the task, at everything. I just feel like yelling. I'm supposed to empty out the dishwasher, but i have the suspicion I'll end up throwing the plates at the floor and yelling at the dishwasher for being a piece of shit. i feel like i can't accomplish the simplest of tasks tonight... It just feel herculean and it just makes me angry.

I'm just yelling insults at myself in my head right now. I am in such a bad mood, i just need to vent a bit, hopefully, it'll settle me down some. Sigh... I need to get my shit together. Good thing i have an appointment with the good doctor this week, I feel like I'm going to explode.

Monday 16 January 2012

New Blogginings

Alright, new blog. This time, though, I won't jump ship after two posts. This shit i'm sticking to.

Now, why am i making this blog? What's going to be posted? Far as i can tell, this will be for 2 or 3 things, mostly:
  • Video Game thoughts and reviews. I want to write a review for every game I beat this year. While I do, I'll probably also write thoughts on games as I play them.
  • Stuff about my mental state. I suffer from anxiety problems, among other things and it feel good to talk about that stuff, so I'll probably ramble on a bit about my mental state.
  • Various ideas as they come to me. I also often have ideas for games, movies, novels, et cetera, so I'll be posting things about that as well.
Of course, this is just how i see it right now, if it strikes my fancy, this might very well turn into one of those awful Slender man ARGs or something. probably not, though. Not sure what else to write for now, so I'll just end this here. Hope you enjoy my blog once it gets a bit more meat on it.