Monday 16 January 2012

New Blogginings

Alright, new blog. This time, though, I won't jump ship after two posts. This shit i'm sticking to.

Now, why am i making this blog? What's going to be posted? Far as i can tell, this will be for 2 or 3 things, mostly:
  • Video Game thoughts and reviews. I want to write a review for every game I beat this year. While I do, I'll probably also write thoughts on games as I play them.
  • Stuff about my mental state. I suffer from anxiety problems, among other things and it feel good to talk about that stuff, so I'll probably ramble on a bit about my mental state.
  • Various ideas as they come to me. I also often have ideas for games, movies, novels, et cetera, so I'll be posting things about that as well.
Of course, this is just how i see it right now, if it strikes my fancy, this might very well turn into one of those awful Slender man ARGs or something. probably not, though. Not sure what else to write for now, so I'll just end this here. Hope you enjoy my blog once it gets a bit more meat on it.

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